Wedding plans? If you are one of the couples who have decided to get married, but due to the current uncertainty, you have doubts about what weddings will be like in 2022 in Spain, this post is dedicated to all of you. With these lines we will try to help you make a decision regarding your marriage and we will dare to give you some of the advice that we do to our couples. Sounds good right? keep reading.

BODA EN 2022 EN ESPAÑA. Bianca Weddings

Wedding in Sevilla Bianca Weddings / Photo: Ernesto Villalba

To begin with, how can it be otherwise, congratulations! And it is that love always wins, always looks for a way and there is nothing that cannot be achieved with love. So we congratulate you for wanting to celebrate your wedding despite the fact that the situation has not helped in recent months. Now, after the joy of commitment, comes your big question …

Will I be able to get married in 2022?

In order to help you better visualize all this (because obviously we do not know the answer) we will give you our opinion on how we see things, what advice we are giving to the couples who count on us to organize their big day and a series of precautions that they make making this decision, as much as possible, a little easier.

  • SANITARY SITUATION: This point is, without a doubt, the one that is making couples doubt the most, not only about when to get married but also about deciding whether to get married or not. Because, one thing is for sure, this situation will pass. We do not know when or how, or if it will be thanks to the long-awaited vaccine (it arrives when it arrives, we grow fingers) or if it will happen because it remains permanent and we adapt to it. Life will go on. On this, although it seems that the news is hopeful, we cannot give dates since obviously neither the experts agree. What we do know is that last summer there were many weddings of those couples who took the step and (we believe that) they do not regret it. We can also tell you that our 2021 weddings continue with their scheduled date, yes, with an eye on how the first semester of next year passes.

Bianca Weddings Advice: In these cases in which the uncertainty is great, we are recommending to all our couples that, when signing contracts with the different providers, and in which we always advise them, ask to add a “COVID clause” by which they can postpone their wedding if, if necessary, there was an adverse situation at the time of their wedding and they could not celebrate it. In this way you will be covered against possible causes of force majeure.

  • RISK, will it be a risk to start with the payments or is there some way to be sure? The uncertainty that we have discussed above makes many couples have respect to start with payments to providers. This is one of the reasons why couples do not dare to start organizing, but there are solutions for everything:

Bianca Weddings Advice: As we have mentioned previously, one of the ways to reduce risks is to introduce clauses that protect you in contracts. In addition to this, at Bianca Weddings we work with an insurance company that can ensure the organization of the wedding, so that you are protected against causes of force majeure and other causes that, without being force majeure, are important to you.

  • DATES, do we reserve now or wait a little longer ?: With all the situation we have experienced, many couples have decided, directly, to consider marrying in 2022 without thinking about the option of 2021. This makes 2022 a year that it is being booked in advance than normal. There are many couples who are not sure if they should wait a little longer to see how the situation progresses.

Bianca Weddings Advice: We are recommending couples who, if they are clear that they want to celebrate their wedding, begin as soon as possible with the reservation of the venue and the ceremony venue, also if they are different. In this way they have the security of being able to reserve the places they want and also have, in advance, more options to reserve the providers that they like the most.

  • ORGANIZATION, does it vary in anything with respect to other weddings ?: The organization of a wedding involves many steps that have to be done in the same way. The providers have adapted perfectly to the situation and the truth is that they try to make it as easy as possible for couples. In addition, as everything is being done earlier, time plays in the favor of couples since the organization is more medium / long term and everything is studied much better.

o Bianca Weddings Advice: Starting your wedding with more time always brings benefits. It must be clear that the best providers book early. Starting earlier, you will have greater availability in all the providers you want and you can dedicate the time you need to each point. With the couples we work with, we are having the opportunity to present you with more options for each service and dedicate more time to each point.

  • EXPENSES, will it cost us more to celebrate the wedding under these conditions? From our point of view, organizing the wedding earlier only brings benefits in the economic aspect. As we have already mentioned, we have more providers available, so it is economically beneficial. Also, the fact of organizing the wedding with more time, means that the payments of the different reservations can be more spaced.

o   Bianca Weddings Advice: Make a forecast of your total budget for the wedding and an initial assessment of which points are most important to you. If you have specialized help, or if you have enough time to study the “market”, you will be able to see how there is a great variety of providers and you will have more options to choose from. Once you know what prices are moving in each type of service, you can assess where to invest more and which points are less important to you.

BODA EN 2022 EN ESPAÑA. Bianca Weddings

Weddings in Zahara Bianca Weddings / Photo: Issa Leal


As a summary we want to give you our final opinion. If you are determined and with the hope of getting married, we sincerely tell you that you have a good opportunity to start as soon as possible. In this way you will find better availability of providers and more options to choose from. Also, there are good hopes that 2022 will be a good year for weddings, even if optimistic the second half of 2021 will be as well.

So if you have time and feel like it, this is the perfect time to start! And if you don’t have time or if you prefer to have specialized personnel, you can always contact our team and explain what help you need.

While we leave you a little inspiration in our portfolio on the web. We will wait for you!

We want to be part of your history …

BODA EN 2022 EN ESPAÑA. Bianca Weddings

Wedding in Sotogrande Bianca Weddings / Photo: @edpeers

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