Benefits of having a Wedding Planner

This post is dedicated to all those couples who have just engaged  and doubt the benefits of having Wedding Planner.

Although it will be difficult, we are going to try to present you with a neutral vision on the subject. With the sole objective that when you finish analyzing this article in detail, you will have clear ideas and a decision about it.

Wedding planner yes, wedding planner no… ¡Wedding planner YES!

The truth is that the wedding world has changed a lot in recent years. Now there are many points to take into account and, probably, it is no longer enough with the good help that family and friends gave in the past.

The sector is becoming more professionalized every day, the options multiply and it is difficult to have knowledge of everything if you are not specialized. From Bianca Weddings We intend to explain the benefits that a Wedding Planner can bring you and thus, with more knowledge, see if you will really have benefits:

  • CONSTANT ADVICE – PROFESIONAL COUNSELING (benefits of having Wedding Planner 1)

During the entire time of wedding planning, (months or even years) couples find themselves in front of endless doubts as to whether what they are doing, they are doing well. Yes they are hiring quality, if this service is in price or not, if it will work in its day or not … and here, a long, long etcetera.

And it is that each wedding is different, each couple has their needs and dreams and their priorities, of course, and they are not always understood by their family or friends. By having the advice of a Wedding Planner, you can rest assured that you will have constant advice for each and every point of the wedding.

Our advice, despite being yet another personal opinion, is based on years of experience, which is already stated in the phrase “it’s the mother of science”. We try to advise you in the most professional and objective way possible so that you feel supported, knowing the pros and cons of each decision so that each step you take (or not) is well founded.


  • ORGANIZED PLANNING  WHERE DO I BEGIN? (benefits of having Wedding Planner 2)

This will probably be one of the first questions you will ask yourself at the beginning of this adventure. Which is the first step? Define the date? The place? … The truth is that several points must be taken into account when starting and even some must be managed at the same time.

For the best organization of your wedding, and start with the steps that we consider essential, we must keep all the data in mind, and as quickly as possible. A tough investigative task at times. Availability, both ceremony and celebration, capacities, limitations, theoretical number of guests … and prices, obviously. Data and more data, numbers and more numbers, in order to have all the possible options on the table to achieve the most important thing: date and place.

From there, with the chosen date, we always recommend starting with those providers that are usually booked earlier. And it is that a good organization must be done in a well planned, constant way and with the necessary advance at each point. I’m sure that with a good organization team to help you, this will be much easier.


  • VENDORS VARIETY (benefits of having Wedding Planner 3)

The search for suppliers will be, with total security, one of the steps that will take you the most hours. In many cases, couples turn to providers that have been used by friends and family, or providers that appear in the first positions of wedding portals. However, there is an immensity of providers, many of them very good, who are unknown (or not so well known) by the vast majority for not promoting themselves on wedding portals or simply because they are from other locations.

With a Wedding Planner service you will make sure that they will show you many more options than you can find at a glance. Our advice from Bianca Weddings is that you make it clear to your Wedding planners what you want, the price range in which you want to move, the quality that you cannot miss and your very defined style, thus, we are sure that they will find the perfect service / provider for you.

  • BUDGET CONTROL (benefits of having Wedding Planner 4)

The budget is, obviously, an essential piece of information in the organization. We don’t understand a good wedding plan without keeping track of the numbers. We know that it is a personal issue and sometimes you do not like to talk openly about it, but you have to always keep it in mind.

The key is to have a correct distribution of the budget between all the points and emphasize more or less according to the priorities of each couple.

For this, it is highly recommended to set an estimated budget at the beginning of the organization. However, making a realistic budget is often not easy, since not all expenses are considered or it is not clear in what prices each of the services oscillate. If you hire a Wedding Planner service, you can always ask them to help you control spending, and that the services they propose make everything “fit” in the end.

It is also very important to know all the possible options within each service. It is very normal to hire a service or provider and over time know that there were other possibilities. Having knowledge about the complete service with all its variants will help you find the option that best suits your needs.


  • PROVEN SUPPLIERS (benefits of having Wedding Planner 5)

As you can see in this post, we are giving great importance to suppliers, who in the end will be the ones that are part of your big day. Some of them, as you well know, responsible for a high percentage of the success of your wedding.

Trusting the people who will make your dream come true is undoubtedly an important decision. Therefore, from Bianca Weddings We usually recommend suppliers with whom we have previously worked or who we know of their professionalism and success. Of course we are open to working with suppliers that we do not know, although we believe that the more security there is with the contracted suppliers, the less uncertainty there will be on your wedding day.

Beneficios de contratar una wedding planner

C + M wedding in Jerez. Photo: Alejandra Salido / Catering: Miguel Ángel Catering / Floral Decoration: Flor Enea / Organization: Bianca Weddings

  • LESS STRESS (benefits of having Wedding Planner 6)

And if in addition to having everything well organized and controlled we can enjoy the preparations much better, right?

There are many headaches and a lot of stress when planning a wedding. Tension can build up little by little and we don’t want the issues to affect you negatively.

The feeling of everything that lies ahead and the amount of emails, calls, meetings to hold often make there are couples who do not allow them to enjoy the preparations. In our case, we try to assume this stress. We establish a work routine in which we are marking specific “tasks”, with options tailored to your needs, by which, sincerely, that stress is reduced. Not all couples have the necessary time to dedicate to an organization and, if it can be enjoyed … why suffer?


  • DETAILS ATTENTION  (benefits of having Wedding Planner 7)

The attention to detail is a point that usually gives a “quality leap” to a wedding. If you are a couple who value small details, whether organizational, aesthetic or with your guests, then it is always good to have advice. And is that a Wedding Planner team has a lot of experience in weddings and this makes them take into account many points that could perhaps be overlooked.

Beneficios de tener una wedding planner

G + J wedding in Jerez. Photo: Issa Leal

  • TRENDS (benefits of having Wedding Planner 8)

If you want your wedding to have your style but with current touches then you have to be aware of the trends in the bridal world. For this, it is important to keep up to date with the bridal industry blogs, Pinterest and services that are appearing little by little. Having specialized staff dedicated to weddings will undoubtedly give you advice so that your wedding breathes a fresh style.

And after everything is organized, the most important thing remains, the wedding day. This will be one of the most important days of your life, in which enjoying should be an obligation. But this enjoyment should be for you and your guests. There are many weddings in which family and friends “unload” the couples of the wedding day management, which means that they cannot fully enjoy themselves, pending payments, actions … If what you want is really to focus on really enjoy We advise you to have a team of Wedding Planners for your big day, It is sure to be one of the best wedding investments.

Beneficios de tener una wedding planner

G + J wedding in Jerez. Photo: Issa Leal

And if after this post the need arises to have a Wedding Planner team and that we advise you in the best possible way, get in touch contact with ¡Bianca Team!

We want to be part of your story…

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