If you are reading this post it is because, perhaps, you doubt if you hire a Wedding Planner service or not. Wedding services are increasingly in demand and there are still many people who do not know exactly what they are. From Bianca y Radiante we will try to explain to you in the most objective way possible what are the benefits that you will get when hiring a wedding organizer.

    There are many couples in which the two work, couples for whom preparing a wedding sometimes becomes a headache. Dedicating the little free time left to prepare a wedding is something that all the couple suffer. In addition, many decide to get married in their cities of origin, which sometimes do not coincide with their place of work, which complicates things. This means that you have to spend long hours searching for places and providers over the internet, countless emails and phone calls. Those who decide to hire a Wedding Planner save many hours in these types of searches and, why not say, many discussions. In Bianca y Radiante we always start with a date or video conference with the couple, in which we try to get the best and widest idea of ​​what they want for their big day. After a study of your case, we expose you a detailed planning of the actions to be carried out, with what you gain in tranquility reducing uncertainty. We also offer several options for each service to hire, with which they will always have the last word in each step to take. In the end you hire a service that guarantees you that you will take the necessary steps without forgetting any, and all, in the necessary times.


When it comes to hiring services for the wedding there are always uncertainties: “Is this catering the good thing that it seems?” “I can not find pictures of this decorator’s work” or “Will it be safe to pay the reservation of such a supplier?” . There are many doubts that arise when hiring those services that are going to be in one of the most important days of our life. When hiring a Wedding Planner you know that they will offer you contrasted and reliable professionals, since for a WP there is no better publicity than a happy couple. That is why an Organizer always offers those services that he knows work well, that are a guarantee for the couple. And yes, the experience is a degree, so you can trust that we will offer services that we have contrasted by ourselves and, if we have not worked with them, and still want other providers, we will make sure to get references to be able to advise you.


When in Bianca y Radiante we meet the bride and groom, we always say the same thing. “Hiring a Wedding Planner is one of the best investments of the wedding”. And is that in our case, having a large volume of weddings with many providers many times we get that providers offer advantages to our partners. Likewise, we can always offer you different options, more luxurious or cheaper, according to your needs. This way you can see other recommended options that make you optimize your budget. That is why in the end we consider our Full Organization service very recommendable, in which we will guide you in all the suppliers that you need from the beginning.


In our work as Wedding Planners we believe that the most important thing is to capture the idea of the couple and thus be able to help them in what they need. For us there are no two identical weddings, so the theme, decoration and the concept of the wedding is individualized. To put your personal stamp on your big day we can thematize the wedding with the style that you like the most. For this we can make a decoration design that is unique, your faithful reflection, an Invitation Design with which you identify yourself. In this sense, we advise the couple in what we consider best, but always bearing in mind that the final decision is for the couple.


Finally, after a long time of preparations, the big day arrives, which unfortunately goes away in a few hours. And taking into account that it is only one day (in most cases), in most cases, what better than to be able to enjoy it one hundred percent without having to be thinking about suppliers, payments … etc. We take care of everything so that you just take care to enjoy without thinking about anything but you and your guests.
So do not hesitate, with our Wedding day coordination service we will be from the beginning to the end so that you always feel supported. And to show, I leave a comment from one of our partners that reflects what we want to explain:
“Telling the help of a Wedding Planner was without a doubt one of the best wedding decisions. For us it was a before and after, despite the normal nerves, we can say that we began to enjoy the preparations. And the day of the wedding should be a “mandatory” for all couples, we could dedicate ourselves to enjoy and let Beatriz and her team take care of everything … “

We hope we can clarify a little more about the benefits of a Wedding Planner.
To finish, I would like to explain to you with this phrase the reason why I like my work so much:
“Choose a job that you like and you will not have to work even one day of your life” Confucius
And if you have any questions you can contact us through this link Contact.
Beatriz Anelo for Bianca y Radiante, Wedding Planner & Events. Cadiz Weddings. Cadiz Wedding Planner

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